The 153D Series is the latest DC motor speed control from Dart. The state-of-the-art Surface Mount Electronics offers a circuit that is flexible and responsive, with high power density in a small footprint. Darts adjustable HP design eliminates the need to manage clumsy HP resistors. For OEMs with ex-US sales, this model offers 90VDC output with either 120 or 240VAC supply voltage. This is a NEMA 4X rated enclosed version, with power On/Off switch and rotary pot to adjust motor speed.
NEMA 4X DC motor speed control, 1/50 – 1/4HP, rotary speed pot
Input: 120/240VAC
Output: 90VDC
HP Range: 1/50-1/4
Single or Dual Voltage 120/240 VAC, 50/60Hz
Adjustable horsepower settings
Male spade terminations standard
Full wave bridge supply
1% speed regulation, 1/2% with tach feedback
Adjustable Minimum speed
Adjustable Maximum speed
Adjustable IR Compensation
Adjustable Current Limit
Adjustable Acceleration
Adjustable Deceleration
Line voltage compensation
5K ohm speed pot, knob & dial plate included
50:1 speed range
Overload capacity: 200% for one minute
Transient voltage protection
Voltage following mode
Inhibit circuit
150 Pushbutton Digital DC Drive Video
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